Competition Success

Huge congratulations to our gymnasts who recently competed in the National Arena in Dublin. Amazing performances by everyone, the standard, as always, was incredibly high and we are so proud of the gymnasts who competed against a huge number of gymnasts from clubs all over the island of Ireland – Eva, Laoise, Saoirse, Sarah, Nicola and Clíodhna, all who worked really hard and supported each other with such lovely spirit of sportsmanship. The memories made on these days are so very special.

Congratulations to our medal winners – Laoise – Gold on Floor and Beam and Cliodhna – Silver on Vault. Gymnastics is alive and well in Athlone Gymnastics Club!

Sincere thanks to Elisha and Saoirse who have helped these girls in their preparations leading up to and attending the competitions with them, none of this would be possible without them, Thank You!

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