We are running 2 recreational Easter Camps of 4 days each, as follows:-
- Week 1 – from 6th to 9th April
- Week 2 – from 14th to 17th April
- 9.30-1.00pm each day
- Age – Must be minimum age 6 before 1st January 2020
- Boys & Girls welcome
- Current Members and Non-members can attend
For our regular members this is basically the equivalent of a full term of classes in just 4 days! A great way to build on what they learn during the term.
For non members this is an opportunity to try gymnastics, especially if they haven’t been successful in securing a space in recently advertised classes.
Gymnastics is extremely beneficial for developing strength, flexibility, co-ordination, listening skills, cognitive abilities, boosting self esteem and confidence, as well as the benefits it provides to other sports while having lots of FUN in a safe and structured environment.
When booking, please ensure you book the correct week as once it has been booked it cannot be changed or refunded.
Week 1 – 6th to 9th April (inclusive)
Week 2 – 14th to 17th April (inclusive)
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