We have a very limited number of spaces available for boys born between 2009 and 2015 only. We are not taking on any members born after 1st January 2016 at this time. Unfortunately, there are no alternative days or spaces available for our Autumn term.
If you do not receive a ‘Thank You’ and a green tick from Jotform, the form was not submitted successfully. Once the class is full, the link will automatically disable, there is nothing futher we can do as we cannot add any additional spaces.
We are aware that a number of parents are looking for spaces, however, we can only offer spaces where we have suitably qualified coaches available and unfortunately, we cannot possibly respond to all the requests being made on this. If you have not already done so, please subscribe to our mailing list by hitting the ‘subscribe’ button on our home page. This will ensure you receive up to date information on spaces, camps, etc. Please note : this is not a waiting list.
For boys born between 2009 and 2012, please register using the link below. The class time is Sunday 9.00-10.30am. ***FULL***
For boys born between 2013 and 2015, please register using the link below. The class time is Saturday 5.15-6.15pm. ***FULL***
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