Congratulations to our newly appointed Director of Gymnastics, Elisha Colgan, we are thrilled to have her on board. Elisha has been part of our Club for over 20 years, first as a gymnast and then as a coach. She received Coach of the Year in 2017, a national award by our governing body, Gymnastics Ireland, in recognition of her commitment and dedication to the Club. Elisha is without doubt an inspiration to all our gymnasts and coaches with her positivity, energy, humour, ideas, work ethic and loyalty, along with her vast knowledge of gymnastics. She has a massive passion for the sport and this is very evident, from the moment she steps inside the door, where her energy creates a vibrant atmosphere. As our Head Competition Coach, she has guided many of our gymnasts to National medal success in recent years, putting the Club firmly back on the competitive map once again.
Elisha has many plans for the Club and with the continued support
of the Committee will endeavour to bring them to fruition.
There are some changes coming on board, a new program and
assessments for recreational gymnasts, a new timetable, and introducing and
mentoring new coaches, to name but a few!
Elisha will be assisted by our two newly appointed Advanced
Coaches – Aoife Mannion and Eimear Flynn. Aoife and Eimear are no
strangers to our Club either, both have been with us since they were promising
young gymnasts and progressed on to be two wonderful ambassadors for our Club
and gymnastics. We congratulate both of these young ladies on their
appointments. Like Elisha, they have brought energy, ideas, passion and
creativity in abundance.
Between them they bring a wealth of knowledge and are inspiring
role models for the gymnasts and future coaches. We wish them every
success with their new roles and look forward to working with them for many
years to come.
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