Summer Camp FAQs

With the school holidays fast approaching, it is a great time to plan some activities to help keep children fit and busy over the holidays. We have a range of camps available, some are booked up and some have limited availability. Just click on the Tab on our menu page titled ‘Gymnastics Camps’ to see what dates, age, times, etc., are available.

Here are a few FAQ that we are regularly asked and if you have any additional queries, please drop us an email to and we will be happy to help :-

Q. – My child would like to do a camp but has never tried gymnastics before, are camps suitable for him/her?

A. – Yes, your child does not need any previous experience to try out a camp. All our coaches are fully trained under Gymnastics Ireland and will be happy to explain and help him/her throughout the camp.

Q. – My child doesn’t know anybody else attending a camp and is a bit anxious, how can I reassure him/her?

A. – This is a perfectly normal feeling and one that we see regularly. If you can talk with your child in advance and give a brief outline of how the sessions run, with variations, that would be very helpful :-

  • we meet the child and parent at the door
  • we have coaches/helpers on hand to show the children where to put their socks/shoes/lunch
  • they are brought out onto our sprung floor (nice and bouncy!)
  • our lead coach will welcome everyone, have a brief chat and do the introductions
  • after they do the warm up together, children are put into small groups with a coach and they remain with that coach for the week
  • the coach will have a quick chat with them and get to know each other’s names
  • throughout the day, they will get to try out gymnastics equipment, play games, chat, take breaks and have fun
  • if a child is shy in new situations, they may need some extra time to process their surroundings and their peers, we will encourage and support them and allow time for this
  • if there are any separation issues, it is always good to give us the heads up in advance so that we can work together on it
  • 99.9% of the time, the child will settle quickly, but if a child is upset at leaving their parent, we will help them and once they see other children having fun, they want to join in
  • likewise if a parent wants to check in on the child during the session, drop us a message and we will be happy to give you an update but we would ask you to please avoid dropping into the gym and interrupting the session as this can lead to further upset
  • they may not know anybody when they first arrive but by the last day, they regularly have a new best friend!

Q. – What should my child wear to camp?

A. – We keep this very simple – shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms and t-shirt are fine. Dresses, skirts, cropped tops and jeans are not suitable. Children will be in their bare feet throughout the session, it is particularly useful for them to wear shoes that don’t have to be tied/untied.

Q. – Will there be breaks and can they bring a snack?

A. – We normally have 2 breaks throughout the session, if the weather is very warm, we may take an extra short break. Healthy snacks are encouraged (fruit is great, especially in the summer), we don’t allow nuts or any nut products as we have members with allergies and we are very mindful of this. Some snacks to avoid – sweets, chocolate, biscuits, fizzy drinks, chewing gum, crisps, pringles, popcorn. Please ensure they bring water as they get very warm and need to keep hydrated during activities.

Q. – What equipment will they use?

A. – We have all the equipment – Bars, Beam, Floor, Vault, P-Bars and Rings, not to be confused with rhythmic gymnastics or cheerleading/dance where they use ribbons, hoops, balls, etc. The inflatable air track usually makes an appearance!!

Q. – Can I come in and stay with my child?

A. – Unfortunately we cannot allow parents to remain on the premises during the camps in accordance with child protection policy. This is for the safety and protection of all young people using the facility. We also don’t have a viewing area as we utilise the space in the gym for the activities.

Q. – What happens if my child is unwell?

A. – If your child feels unwell before the Camp, we advise you to keep them at home to avoid them being upset or distressed. If they feel unwell during the Camp, we will let them sit out for a little while, if they continue to feel unwell, we will contact the parent to have them collected.

Q. – If my child has additional needs, do I have to note it on the form?

A. – We ask that you do this for the benefit of your child. If we know in advance that there is a medical or behavioural issue, it is always better that we have the information so that we can plan appropriate activities and/or staff.

Q. – Can my child bring a mobile phone/iPad or other devices?

A. – We are firm believers that children benefit immensely from being physically active without the interference of technology, therefore, we would ask that all devices be left at home please.

Q. – Can my child wear jewellery?

A. – For safety reasons children should not wear jewellery, including watches. We cannot accept any responsibility for jewellery that gets lost or broken during camps.

Q. – Does long hair need to be tied up?

A. – Yes! Long hair must always be tied up before arriving to the Camp and throughout the camp.

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